Tag Archives: Just War Theory

A New Criterium for Just War Theory

  Shalom Lamm is a New York real estate developer and long-time lecturer on military history and warfare ethics. A published author, Shalom Lamm also penned an article on warfare ethics for the Journal of International Studies.

The just war theory has been a controversial justification for warfare over the centuries, but in recent times there has been a push to include additional standards for its application.

The just war theory suggests that war isn’t always the worst option in a given set of circumstances. As such, it can be considered justified and indeed its effects managed through proper conduct. The two guiding criteria for a war to be considered just are traditionally the “right to go to war” which includes right intention and just cause, and the “right conduct in war” which includes things like a proportional response, necessity, etc.

However, it has become clear to some ethicists that an additional, consequentialist criterion should be included. That of justice after a conflict which would take into account the effects of a war once it has been concluded. This extra consideration would certainly alter the justice arithmetic in many conflicts and add a layer of complexity to an already byzantine subject.